Artist Statement

My art is an attempt to capture and illuminate truths about the world around me. I want to communicate what I see when I stop looking at the world in a casual and remote way and instead see things intensely and immediately.   When I paint, I try to create an emotional experience that comes from seeing some elusive or unrecognized beauty in an object or person or scene. Art for me is finding the beauty of everyday things.

I love to paint from life, whether in the studio or plein air. This gives me an immediacy of experience… of form, light and color… that I can translate into paint on a canvas.

 I am attracted to representational forms of fine art and study the “old masters” passionately.  The nature of oil painting is fascinating to me because the paint itself becomes an important part of how I communicates my vision.  Expressing a 3-dimensional world on a 2-dimensional canvas with paint, provides a challenge and never-ending source of occupation.


 Linda J. Baker has studied art at the University of Wisconsin, Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts (Chicago), and Scottsdale Artists School.  She has won numerous awards for her art, including Best in Show, People’s Choice, Mayor’s Award and Wisconsin Regional Artist‘s Award, amongst others. After spending many years developing her painting style in the Midwest, she moved to Portland, Oregon.  In the Pacific Northwest she currently has served as president of Painter’s Showcase of Portland, and is Vice President of Lake Area Artists. Her paintings hang in private collections and are shown in galleries and shows nationally.

Contact Information

Instagram: Linda_J_Baker_Artist

Facebook: Linda J. Baker Oil Painter

